6 Snowboarding Tips for Ladies from Ladies

By Published On: November 9th, 20180 Comments

Ladies, I hope all of you are getting super excited for this upcoming season. For my girls back in Colorado, I’m jealous some of you are already out ripping the mountain passes and the snow they have. As for my ladies in the Midwest and everywhere else, I hope all of you have your gear ready for a banging upcoming season. As a snowboarder myself, I know how nerve-wracking it can be getting back onto the slopes after months of not riding.  I have pulled together a few tips/reminders using the help of Michelle for women who snowboard, both beginners and those who have been on the slopes for years. Below are 6 tips/reminders for you:

  • Have Proper Gear

    • Gear is obviously important when your sport revolves around it. Get the proper gear for you, not stuff that sort of works for you. Having properly sized gear and every piece of the “puzzle” will assist you in being a better snowboarder
    • Do you have the right size of snowboard for your skill level and weight/height? This can make all the difference in your ability to control the board beneath you.
    • How about a helmet? Concussions are a mild form of traumatic brain injuries and lots of the time rarely show symptoms. Don’t do that to your noggin. Helmets also help keep your head warm.
  • Take a Digger/Fall

    • It is okay to fall! Literally, everyone does it when snowboarding, and if you say you’ve never fallen, you’re not telling the truth. It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or a million times over again Olympic gold medalist, we all fall. The only way you can get better is by getting back up again after a fall. Hang in there, your bruises will go away, and you will improve! If feel like you really need it, there are some padding products available to cushion the fall.
  • Ride with Others

    • Find a person or a few to ride with. Gather some friends and have them go out with you. Riding alone, especially when learning how to snowboard or learning a new trick, isn’t fun and you probably won’t get the feedback you’re looking for without someone there riding with you.
  • Confidence

    • You’re going to be worried about what people think about you and who’s watching you, it’s just natural when you’re learning something new. In reality though, nobody really cares about how you’re doing besides you. You are your own biggest critic. Get on the hill with confidence. You are on the slopes trying something new, that’s something pretty great in itself. Have confidence in your abilities and your potential. If you’re new at snowboarding, know that everyone out there was also once a beginner. If you’re trying a new trick in the park, many of those riders are trying something new too. If you’re confident in yourself, others will have respect for that.
  • What Next?

    • If you don’t have an idea of where you want your skills to go next, how will you ever improve? Set goals and reach for them. Take time to reach your goals but never give up on them.
  • Do I have to say it?..HAVE FUN!

    • You didn’t strap into your bindings to not have fun while snowboarding. It is supposed to be a fun sport to get you out of your hibernation during the winter months. Get some friends together and go try new things on the slopes. Hit that rail you said you’d never do. Go down that double black diamond. Take some tree runs. And if you fall, do not forget to get back up again. One of the most important tips I’ve got for all you lady shredders?…Enjoy yourself!

A few extra tips from Michelle and I:

  • Wear a glove liner underneath your mittens to ensure your hands stay warm.
  • Keep an extra pair of gloves or mittens in your car in case yours get wet, you are able to switch them out.
  • Make sure to hydrate before and after hitting the slopes.
  • Keep a mat in your trunk if you enjoy getting ready at your vehicle so you have something to stand on that is clean and dry when you don’t have shoes on.

Keep up the hard work and enjoy this season of riding,
Ashley B

PHOTO: Stephan Jende (@jendephoto)

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