Lib Tech Travis Rice C2 Review

By Published On: February 3rd, 20110 Comments

2011 Lib Tech Travis Rice C2 BTX Snowboard

Lib Tech Snowboards Men's & Women'sThis is Lib Tech‘s T. Rice C2 BTX Snowboard. That’s right, this is Travis Rice’s professional model snowboard. It is a twin shaped board for your freestyle all-mountain oriented needs. The C2 Power Banana profile is pretty cool. In between your feet there’s reverse camber and underneath your feet there’s actual camber.

Camber and Rocker Profile Of C2

If you were to look down the sidewall you’ll notice the Magne Traction. Magne Traction will keep you up on the ice, and keep you floating in the pow. The double sintered ultra-high molecular weighted sidewall is going to be strong and predictable in flex all season long. There’s also internal power transfer rods that run inside the sidewall as well. Now, what makes this board so lively is the horse-powered core and “glass” that it has in it.

There’s Columbian Gold Timber that runs from tip to tail, but inserted of having traditional fiberglass it actually has basalt, which is volcanic rock fibers that wrap around the wood core. The base is a sintered ultra-high molecular weighted base. It’s going to absorb a lot of wax. It’s going to stay fast all season long. The top sheet is pretty unique as well. It has a metal flake finish to it, kind of shines. But it’s made out of bio-plastic beans and basalt. So this is it right here. This is the T.Rice C2 BTX Banana board. The graphic was done by Mike Parillo and you can check everything out at That’s right, C2 BTX T.Rice reverse camber and camber technology together.

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