Mastering Snowboarding by Hannah Teter
Snowboarding can seem like a daunting task for any newbie. There is so much to discover and learn that it may feel like you’re just making it up as you go. “Mastering Snowboarding” by Olympic champion Hannah Teter is a great snowboarding resource not only for beginners but also for those who are looking to learn advanced techniques and add new tricks to their set of slope skills. This book covers everything you need to know from basic riding tips to the more expert moves for a referential resource that you can return to as you upgrade from beginner to advanced. Whether you want to learn the best ways to stay in control while riding, advanced tricks that will enable you to become more competitive or even just advice on choosing and maintaining the right equipment for you, “Mastering Snowboarding” is a great book for anyone who’s interested in improving their snowboard skills.

Off the Chain: An Insider’s History of Snowboarding by Ross Rebagliati
Once you’ve gotten the hang of snowboarding you may be interested in learning more about its history. Fortunately, Ross Rebagliati wrote a comprehensive book that covers everything you need to know about the sport. “Off the Chain: An Insider’s History of Snowboarding” is the quintessential volume on snowboarding history and its cultural impact. From the origins of snowboarding as a rival sport to skiing, to its commercialization and rise in popularity, Rebagliati writes about every facet of snowboarding and goes in-depth on each element that makes the sport what it is today. This book is a great stepping stone for those who are longing to learn more about their new favorite hobby and why it’s beloved by so many.

To the Edge and Back: My Journey from Organ Transplant Survivor to Olympic Snowboarder by Chris Klug
Even when snowboarder Chris Klug was diagnosed with liver disease in his 20s, he never stopped working hard to make sure his favorite pastime would be accepted into mainstream sports. After being fortunate enough to receive a transplant from a donor, he promised to use his prowess on the slopes as a pedestal to make sure other lives could be saved, just like his was. “To the Edge and Back: My Journey from Organ Transplant Survivor to Olympic Snowboarder” written by Chris Klug tells the inspirational tale of a man who loves snowboarding so much that he would go on to compete in the Olympics and use his platform to start an organization that would bring greater awareness to the need for organ donors. If you ever worry you can’t get where you want to be on the snowboard, check out the story of Chris Klug for a little bit of inspiration.

Fifty Places to Ski and Snowboard Before You Die by Chris Santella
Right now, you might be thinking to yourself, “what are the fifty best places to ski and snowboard before I die?” Well, what a coincidence! I’ve got the perfect book for you. “Fifty Places to Ski and Snowboard Before You Die” is a collection of some of the best locations for snowboarding and skiing, compiled and written by Chris Santella with the help of various experts from whom the recommendations are given. Featuring photographs of beautiful natural scenery from snowy locales around the world, this book captures exhilarating perspectives of steep mountain tops and scenic valleys while also divulging what makes them such great places to visit. With a whole world full of soaring vistas at your fingertips, the book is an excellent guide for any snowboarder or skier who is looking to explore all of the iconic locations that are perfect for traveling to when you’re ready to take your skills to the next level.

The Edge of Never by William Kerig
“The Edge of Never” by William Kerig shares the story of Kye Petersen, son of legendary skier Trevor Petersen, as he travels to Chamonix, France to ski over the mountains where his father tragically lost his life during an avalanche. Author William Kerig accompanied the up-and-coming skier and documented his journey to the Death Sport Capital of the World as he follows his father’s footsteps and makes the effort to conquer the frozen landscapes that took his father’s life. As they traverse the dangerous mountain range with a group of expert skiers, Kerig captures the emotional story of a teen looking for closure on his father’s legacy and how their passion for skiing connects them in a way that cannot be broken, even by death. This book not only tells the beautiful tale of Kye and his attempts to complete what his father started, but also showcases the thrills of big-mountain skiing and what makes the risk so rewarding.