Teaser Time: Team Shootout

By Published On: July 15th, 20100 Comments

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Years ago, Transworld used to throw a party in the spring called the Team Challenge. This event consisted of teams dressing up in sometimes hilarious, sometimes lame, matching costumes and doing a little bit of snowboarding and a lot of partying. That mold has since become extinct, because it seems like the snowboarder image has buddied up more nicely with the art scene lately than the party scene.

Our sport is growing up into the strapping big man on campus of winter sports and action sports as a whole, and it’s evidenced by the Transworld Team Challenge’s transformation into the Transworld Team Shootout. This contest of sorts gets everyone involved in a productive level, with resorts building features, pro teams riding the features, photo guys shooting pictures for the magazine and videographers putting together an edit of it all in hopes of winning the shootout.

Creativity is what the winner will need to earn the wreath of glory that deems you and your team, The Best, for a whole season. Transworld has a site where you can view some videos and get introduced to the teams. Nitro at The Canyons, Rome at Bear Mountain, Salomon at Keystone and Volcom at Mammoth. Now, you can also check out a teaser for the video here that gives you a little glimpse at what each team did.

Our early predictions. Rome wins top honors because their team is sick and Clayton down at Bear is seriously a boss. Salomon will get edged out, not because they didn’t have better riding, but because of a poor edit while Volcom wins an award at some indie film festival for the movie they put together, which features only .3 seconds of actual snowboard footage.

The Team Shootout issue hits subscribers in two weeks and video parts get uploaded to TWSnow in one week, so in the meantime check out the trailer and make some predictions based on nothing of your own.

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