Lib Tech Downtown Throwdown Hits San Francisco

By Published On: November 1st, 20110 Comments

San Francisco has long history as an epicenter of various countercultures, so it seems as fitting an urban landscape as any for a snowboard contest. In the past, there was the great idea but ultimately failed Icer Air, which first brought a booter to a street in the city before changing locales to AT&T Park, and then went on to invite pros to compete for a cash purse and never paid them. This may have left a bitter taste in the mouth of professional snowboarding, but thanks to Lib Tech the scene is alive and well.

The Lib Tech Downtown Throwdown hit Civic Center Plaza over the weekend, and if you can’t tell by the intro to this little edit, its a haven for the homeless and weirdos of the city. So needless to say the crowd fit right in. The Downtown Throwdown set up was just like the one in Seattle, with a donkey-dick round bar on one side and a double-down box top rail next to it. Also keeping with the theme from the first event of 2011, the ThirtyTwo ams ruled the show.

Dylan Alito took first place (dressed to kill, since it was Halloweekend) with his buddy Brandon Hobush bringing home fifth. In second was the pride of the Bay Area, Nick Visconti, backed up by Dylan Thompson and Ryan Paul behind him. If you want more action in a less shaky format (there’s an earthquake joke in there somewhere) check out the photo gallery on Snowboarder Magazine.

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