k2 Anagram Snowboard Review

By Published On: November 10th, 20100 Comments

K2 Anagram Snowboard

Did you know that the K2 has been around since 1987. That’s pretty rad, I didn’t know that.

This is an Anagram Board. It has the catch-free technology, which means 95 percent of this board is flat. 5 percent of it, on the nose and on the tail, have a little bit of rocker to it.

It has the hyper-technology, which means it has a standard sidewall construction. It gradually tapers off to a cap construction on the nose and tail, getting rid of extra waste and extra material to keep this baby nice and light.

It’s got the twin hyper-progressive side-cut radius. If you don’t know what that means, that means that this thing, when you’re hauling down the hill, is going to hold your weight and hold your edge, no matter what. When you’re at the bottom of a hill, just cruising around and goofing around with friends, this thing’s going to be able to nice and squirrely at times, as well.

It has a centered stance. It has what’s called a W1 core. You can see, through the graphic actually, that there’s just one piece of wood in this whole thing. That’s pretty much it, it’s not a blend of different woods. As you see on the base, it is 2000 extruded die-cut base.

The contrast in colors, they pop. So if you’re doing a photo shoot, or you’re just jamming and just letting this board sit at the bottom of the hill after you’re done playing Foosball, at least you’ll be able to pick this thing out of a crowd.

That’s it right there. K2 Anagram, since 1987.”



We are looking at the K2 Anagram Snowboard. The Anagram is one of our more affordable adult boards out there. It is a true twin so it is identical from the tail into the nose. The stance is a true twin and it offers our catch free rocker design where it is totally flat underneath the foot to give that rider a lot of stability, a lot of good hard snow performance, and it just has a little bit of rocker right on the tip and the tail just to make it a little more maneuverable and forgiving for the rookies. The Anagram Snowboard, great for the rookies, and great in the train park.

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