Camping – 5 Things You May Not Have Known

By Published On: February 27th, 20130 Comments


With visions of s’mores, pristine lakes, blue skies, bug free nights and a picture perfect camp site, the idea of camping sounds pretty darn awesome to most people. After perusing through Backpacker magazine, camping blogs and National Park websites, you’ve mentally prepared yourself for a perfect weekend of camping paradise. Like any outdoor activity, there are always a few not so glamorous aspects of the big event. For veteran or returning campers, the pluses far outweigh the cons. The simplicity of outdoor living, the fresh air and nature at it’s best are just a few of the reasons campers keep hitting the trail for more. Before venturing out on your first (or 10th!) trip, it’s best to be prepared – both physically and mentally.

  1. You will get dirty and you may not look like a beauty queen. If you shower at all on a camping trip, it will be cold and short. For most, a quick wash of the hands and face will suffice. Afterall, isn’t the point to get away from it all? If you’re hair looks gross after a few days of camp fire smoke and lake water, wear a hat!
  2. Packing ahead of time is a must. You might be used to packing your carry on luggage with the essentials for a few nights of business travel the morning of your flight, but camping is a different story. Sure, you’ll need a tent, sleeping bag, sleeping mat, tarp, water bottle and backpack, but there are a slew of other essentials that will guarantee a safe and good time. Be sure to check out our Car Camping Checklist and Camping Food Ideas before you start stuffing that duffel bag!
  3. There will likely be no WiFi. That is correct. If you’re worried about your Facebook friends thinking you had a boring weekend with ef5a8538d16214e337faaa35a46e483cnothing worth posting, then it’s really time to take a weekend break from social media. Floor your friends with some spectacular #lategrams when you return.Rest assured, your recent camping trip photos will reassure everyone that your life is the most exciting. And don’t forget to update you Out of Office! Taking a breather from work, internet surfing and social medial will allow you to surrender to the beauty of nature.
  4. Practice setting up your tent before you arrive at your camp site. It may seem pretty straight forward, but rain, wind, darkness or a long car ride can hinder your thinking and motor skills. There’s nothing more frustrating than spending way more time than necessary setting up your outdoor home for the weekend.
  5. Bring firewood. It’s illegal in most places to use fallen wood for campfires. The forest thrives on fallen wood and trees that have naturally come down. The trees then decompose and nourish the forest floor allowing new growth to flourish. It’s a cycle and if campers repeatedly remove fallen trees, it will throw the forest out of balance. As you’re getting closer to the state forest, national park or campground, keep your eyes peeled for camping firewood for sale at gas stations or food marts. It’s also illegal to bring wood in from too far away. Firewood for your camping trip must be local…again to keep the harmony in the forest. Many campsites sell firewood, but it’s not a bad idea to grab some before you arrive since it might be sold out.

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