The ONLY way to shred EVER.(From a Midwest POV)

By Published On: May 1st, 20140 Comments

Living in the Midwest this is what most of our hills, and when I say “hills” I mean hills, look like for a majority of the season. Lots of dirt, with patches of man made snow that has been blown off course by blustery winds or the inattentive snow makers who have fallen asleep late into the night.  This way of life here is a large reason that so many talented people from the Midwest are making big moves on the big mountains. When given the opportunity to actually shred a mountain in even moderate conditions, myself like many Midwest riders soak it up for every square inch of shred we can right down to the lift line. It’s in our DNA and shredding the worst conditions is our bread and butter for most of our lives.  When you put the goods out in front of the Midwest riders you better believe we are going to rip it. Ride Hard, Live the stoke, Midwest Represent.

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