Spring Threads and Essentials – Part II

By Published On: February 27th, 20100 Comments

Photo: David Smart

Photo: David Smart

So now that you’ve got a solid hat and some stunner shades picked out, you’re gonna need a few more things to complete your outfit, because if you stop after part one, you’re likely to get the worst sunburn in recorded history.

A lightweight jacket is a must. If you’re wearing your coat from the winter, chances are you’re going to be sweating up a storm and stinking up the liftline. So help yourself out by picking up something like the ThirtyTwo Newcastle Shell. The 10K waterproofing will keep the slush from getting anywhere it shouldn’t be, while the 10K breathability lets a little breeze in.

Another option is a hoodie, not as functional as the lightweight jacket, but nothing will ever beat it in terms of comfort. The Nomis line is full of choices, any color or pattern you could ever desire. The Simon Hoodie sports a nice half-zip so you can air yourself out on the chair and then lock it back up for your lap.

Spring is also going to be the season to have some vents on those pants. Without a cross breeze down there you’re liable to end your day early in fear of having your legs melt. Everyone has a preference as to where the vents should be, but the knee/crotch vent is the most popular. Special Blend has a knack for good warm weather pants, and the Division Pant is an affordable option that comes with both hip and inseam vents.

Last but far from least, is one of the smallest yet most integral upgrades; the gloves. You kept your hands warm and dry all winter, so now keep them happy with a cool, thin layer with extra grip to fight that slippery slush. Grenade’s team puts a lot of work into their line of gloves and the company started out making pipe gloves, so you know their spring offerings are legit. Our recommendation…the Grenade BME Click.

This list should set you off right for Spring, and a few loose odds and ends will really make your day. Things like hot waxes and sunscreen are absolutely necessary, and do yourself a favor and bring a water bottle. Stash it in the woods so that you can stop and hydrate without having to unstrap!

For some slope style tips, check out these men’s outerwear combos.

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