Happy Earth Day from your friends at Mervin Manufacturing

By Published On: April 22nd, 20150 Comments
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Besides being some the best product made this is why  we LOVE MERVIN.

Brands made at  Mervin:

Mervin Manufacturing is the hands-on factory where our dream boards are made and ideas can go from your mind to paper to reality under your feet in 24 hours. Mervin is the foundation of our company and lives. For us, when we talk about a dream board we are not just thinking about how it rides. Our dreams include the entire manufacturing process, every material used during the process and every hand that touched it along the way.

When Mike and I began (Mervin Manufacturing) years ago it was very apparent that the composites industry is very toxic whether it be; surfboards, airplanes or skis… but there were choices to be made and safer alternatives. Sometimes the more environmental options were cost prohibitive, but surprisingly often they were both safer for us to use and less costly. Although unconventional, this process required more skill, research and craftsmanship resulting in a stronger, higher performance product. Having our own factory and controlling the entire process from start to finish allows us to make these decisions and activate immediate real change.

In the 80’s, our environmental snowboard efforts were often met with ridicule or confusion but today we are excited that people are much more aware of how small, fragile and interdependent we are as citizens of this earth. A few decades back Norm Nelson joined the Mervin team and became our own eco-hero and environmental process consultant. Norm has put together a short video that sheds some light on the everyday environmental materials and process efforts that help make Mervin Made boards dream boards.

For more information on our environmental practices visit:

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