First Look: TransWorld's Hallelujah

By Published On: June 18th, 20100 Comments

Always Artsy

Always Artsy

If you’ve never had the fortune of being the first to know, today is your lucky day. The House is bringing you first impressions of the TransWorld Skateboarding’s newest video, Hallelujah. Details of the premiere have been kept under wraps thus far…or perhaps the free-flowing quaffs have kept memories blurry since it was the last part of the TransWorld Awards night. Regardless of the reason, we’re going to blow the lid off and give you the scoop.



Word to the wise…start saving up $30 right now. It would be blasphemous to tarnish the name of a skate flick called Hallelujah right? Whatever you aim your worships at aside, praise be the name of Pudwill.

Hallelujah starts out with Tyler Bledsoe. Now we’ve had our eye on this young gunner since Elementality, and TW is pretty good at scouting talent. Someone in their casting department deserves an award. Bledsoe’s bangers redefine switchups. When Marc Johnson sees this, he’s going to be jealous. Combos so technical that Bledsoe’s nickname oughta be Hurricane Tyler.

Taylor Bingamin has a solid second part, with a buffet variety of vert and handrails, and Pete Eldridge follows him up with a solid silver screen comeback. Montages in videos are usually hit or miss, savior or skipper, killer or filler. Hallelujah’s friends section is the feel-good part of the film and it’s full of hammers.Ryan Decenzo’s segway from montage to ender is one worth checking out, but you gotta feel bad for the guy. Once people get to his part they’re just gonna be so anxious to see Torey that they might just skip it.

Torey Pudwill, Amen. The switchup has evolved. Years ago, Fully Flared came out and everyone called it a major step, now a magazine video has managed to put it a step behind. (Hopefully Spike and the gang are working on another one!) Pudwill’s part is amazing, I’m not even going to spoil it for you, just know that it’s incredible and without a doubt is, so far, the video part of the year.

Welcome to the church of TPud

Welcome to the church of TPud

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