A Teaser on your Screen and a Party in Portland

By Published On: July 23rd, 20100 Comments

Bon Voyage

Bon Voyage

So by now, you’ve all undoubtedly got your thermals in a bunch from watching all the teasers that The House has been bringing you all summer. There’s only a few left, and one of my two favorite Hakkers just sent us an invite to the Portland premiere of the Videograss movie, and I’d be morally remiss if I didn’t share both the invite and the teaser with all you kids out there who know good snowboarding when you see it.

Videograss put their first video out last year. The self-titled slammer left viewers with that feeling like they needed to have more fun snowboarding, and that’s the greatest achievement a video can have. This year is lining up to be no different. How could it let down with a lineup of the most creative group of snowsliders ever assembled? The lineup is big, take a deep breath…Louif Paradis, Ben Bilocq, Gus Engle, Mikey LeBlanc, Jonas Michelot, Nima Jalali, Jed Anderson, Chris Grenier, Alex Cantin, Jordan Mendenhall, Johnny Miller, Jon Kooley, Will Tuddenham, Justin Bennee, Darrell Mathes, Nick Dirks, and Mr. Magorium himself, Laurent-Nicolas Paquin.

Every one of these guys is going to make an appearance at the premiere too, save for Gus, who is rumored to be getting his Into The Wild on while traveling the Yukon Territories this summer. You can be sure that there will be local premieres, but the WORLD premiere is definitely worth the trip, meet all the guys, try to come up on some Ashbury shades and Salomon gear, and pound PBR with the Portland locals. Check the flyer above for all the dirty dog details, then give it a soft and gentle click to check out the teaser.

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