Summer Kits: Skate

By Published On: May 27th, 20100 Comments

Our once every six months rainy day hit Southern California today, leaving skateboarders wondering what to do with themselves! We’ve got the answer, stay inside and shop for some new gear to keep you fresh as Albertson’s avocados. Toss out those ratty shoes, the cut-off jean shorts and the flannel, you don’t want to be the kid with stale style just like you don’t want to be the kid pushing mongo or rocket flipping. Let’s start with the feet.

Circa 99 Vulc

Circa 99 Vulc

Shoe cuts are moving up this summer, just like your hopes of learning kickflip back tailslides! Highs and Mids will protect those ankles, and keep you looking good when your kicking it with some girlies. This summer is the one that C1rca has been waiting for all this time, with all their high-tops flying out of stock. The 99 Vulc offers a mess of sick colorways, so you can match it to your favorite T and get all notorious with it.

Volcom Zip Jeans

Volcom Zip Jeans

Baggy jeans ruled the 90s, Skinnys took over the 00s, but it’s 2010 kid, step up your style! Now is the time for proper fits, with some solid heavy breaks at the ankles, but still tight enough to stay out of the way on hardflips. Don’t ever go with something that is tapered below the ankle…doesn’t it just remind you of someone walking down the hall in an episode of Saved By The Bell? Volcom has grasped this concept, and while they still offer the super skinnies for the hold-outs, the Zip is looking to be a big hit this summer.

Nomis Connected T

Nomis Connected T

The hipsters stole flannels from us, and now they’re everywhere. Get back to individual status and leave the plaid army behind with a good crisp T. Rep your favorite brand, or just something with a cool design…most companies offer both. This one was chosen not only because of Nomis’ superior quality, but because it matches the shoes…shirts and shoes, jeans and hats kids, best advice you’ll hear.

Electric Hoodlum Glass

Electric Hoodlum Glass

Top your kit off with some colorful shades, or even go classic tortoise-shell. Stick with the timeless shapes that keep enduring changing trends. Aviators and squarish lenses are a good bet, just avoid anything with one lens or really chunky frames…(yes I’m talking to you Jersey Shore)

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