Stayin' Gold

By Published On: June 12th, 20110 Comments

When you spend the better part of a decade filming a video it’s not surprising to find out that there’s a lot of extra footage. You can only make a skate flick so long before you start losing the interest of the crowd. It’s a double-edged sword, you want your whole video to be bangin’, and each rider wants the ender but sometimes the video is so good that kids get all amped up and turn it off to go do their own skating. With this in mind, Emerica let loose their epic Stay Gold feature earlier this year, but kept a little hell in hand called the B-Sides.

The B-Sides hold all the shots that didn’t make the final cut for each rider’s part, and Emerica has been releasing them every now and then, with each part quickly becoming skate park chatter later in the day. Most recently, Aaron Suski hit the airwaves, and most of the Stay Gold riders are already up. If this is the first you’ve heard of the B-Sides, start with Andrew Reynolds, and then let your secret skate crushes guide you through the rest of the rider list.

Each segment is a healthy dose too, with most weighing in at five or six minutes, so sit back and make yourself a bookmark because you’re sure to want more. It’s also probably the best skate footage we’ll have until Transworld puts the final touches on their video.

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