Rocker Snowboards

By Published On: July 2nd, 20130 Comments


The snowboard industry has witnessed an explosion of snowboard shapes over the last decade. This boom has allowed advanced riders to excel beyond their dreams and beginners to progress unlike ever before. Reverse camber, mustache, early rise, banana, call it what you will, rocker snowboards have made the biggest impact in the snowboard shape world. We offer hundreds of rocker snowboards for every riding ability and style. Read on for a break down of all things rocker to ensure you’re next board is a perfect fit.

What is Rocker?sb_guide_rocker.jpg

Simply put, the nose and tail are slightly elevated above the center of a rocker snowboard. When the board is laying flat on a surface, the rocker shape is easily noticeable. The board will also pivot and spin easily on a flat surface. Now picture a rocker board on snow with the weight of your feet splitting the center. The board will float and turn easier making for a loose and agile ride. There’s much less of a chance of “catching” an edge making rocker a great choice for beginners and park riders of all levels. Rocker snowboards also offer superior float in the soft snow and powder.

Benefits of Rocker

  • Increased Float in Powder – Since the nose is lifted by design, rocker snowboards naturally float through powder and become buoyant in the snow. This in turn decreases  back leg burn and allows the rider to maintain a more natural stance rather than leaning back. If cliff drops are you thing, landings feel like a fluffy pillow with a rocker board.99.600x398
  • Park Riding Made Easy – Park riding calls for a lot of pressing – nose presses and tail presses. A rocker snowboard is already in that pressed shape, so it’s a million times easier to nail that nose press down a kinked rail. Well, it’s still a nasty trick that takes a ton of skill and practice! But, you get the point. Adding to fun in the park, the less-catchy nature of a rocker snowboard allows the rider to initiate spins early (making you look good!). It also yields a greater ability to recover from off-axis landings. You’re park skills will progress like mad with a rocker snowboard.
  • More Maneuverability – With the tip and tail elevated, initiating turns takes far less effort. With contact points being in the tip and tail, as in a camber snowboard, it is more difficult to get that turn going. The increased mobility works great in tight trees and for buttering turns.

Who Should Ride Rocker?

Anyone! Overall, rocker snowboards make for an easier ride with less fatigue. Beginners, park riders and anyone looking for some more fun on their board in any terrain will dig a rocker snowboard. Add one to your quiver today!

Shop rocker snowboards at The House.

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