Review: Morrow Spoon Snowboard

By Published On: October 29th, 20092 Comments

Talking about the 15th Anniversary Morrow Spoon snowboard. This one was the original spoon nose and tailboard. It has been around for as long as my snowboarding career…almost not quite.

What are you looking in this one twin shape twin flex, super high end nose to tail wood core. Does have the nice sidewall construction, dual angle, puts a lot of meat right over the edge goes into the sidewall at the top to reduce the weight of the sidewall. What you read on this is the standard 4 x 2 insert pattern lots of stands width adjustments definitely does have the ability to bang out a wider stands.

From there kind of a mid wide with definitely will work well with 10-11 snowboard boot size crowd in most of the lengths. You get the 15th Anniversary package going on to it. You are looking definitely the kind of an original graphics on this one only updated with the die-cut rather than the sublimated – as such it has a lot of pop to it. They do have a nicer sintruded base on this one too, kind a like the best of both worlds base mixture of the extruded in the sintered bases. You know have a snowboard that you do not have to wax quite as much but one that is a little faster than a regular extruder and one it is a little bit more repairable than a typical sintered base. It is kind of a good merger on that one other than that you got a full wrapping metal edge.

Just really really good value as what was quite the cult classic when it was first around. They are bringing it back now just really really cool all mountain freestyle deck. Flex on this one was going to be definitely in the middle of the road about 4 out of 10 – you know might not be the snowboard you necessarily take up to AK but for everything less than that it is pretty slick for sure…Morrow Spoon snowboard.



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  1. Jen March 14, 2012 at 10:57 pm - Reply

    I loved this video. I still ride my original ’91 morrow spoon… its a 161 and i’m 5’4 petite, so I just float over that powder!

  2. xpez2000 October 8, 2012 at 8:21 am - Reply

    I wish they kept the same graphic in the bottom because the graphic is so iconic. When I bring out my spoon nose old boarders from across the base of the mountain come over and chat it up with me because they saw the classic base graphics!!!

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