Review: DC BFF Snowboard

By Published On: December 16th, 20090 Comments

OMG it is BFF!!

DC BFF snowboard with Dave McCall at The House.

What we are looking at is going to be a slight step up in the construction from the BFT with the best freestyle twin. This one has more directional shape to it, slightly longer nose and tail. It is definitely still rocker twinned out, but this one is definitely going to be stepping it up a notch. Maybe somebody is looking around more all over the mountain, or somebody that is doing more aggressive freestyle such as piper, bigger booters, you have got a definitely a more supportive flex on this one.

This bad girl is coming in about a 5 flex rating. With a 4×2 insert patterns it is great for really getting your stance styled in. It is only a 0.4 setback and this one so it definitely can be rocked twin. The sidewalk construction, definitely keeps it durable, gives a good edgehold on icy hard packed terrain. DC does a good job of keep the nose and tail thin reducing swing weight off of the snowboard.

DC will have the seven radius side cut, basically blending 7 different radiuses together along the side cut. It makes it really forgiving but still makes it responsive in a fun riding snowboard. As with almost all the DC you got the radius to flat, all the curvatures to the nose and tail is in the end point of the effective edge. After that it goes flat, really helps it float up on top of c or powder conditions, just keeps the snowboard on top of things.

It has a really really good solid build quality. Actually I have yet to see DC Board come back on warranty and with our shopper we are doing like more than a couple of them, so I like the stuff a lot. It is an awesome snowboard, pretty kill it all, freestyle, free ride, anything you want to do. That is DC BFF snowboard.


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