Review: Burton Custom ICS Snowboard

By Published On: October 28th, 20091 Comment

One most popular snowboard of all time, the Burton Custom. This is the traditional Camber version. They offer in both because Camber is still a viable technology. You will get a more lively turning snowboard. It will pop you from turn to turn a little bit quicker with the Camber version. So, with the popularity, Burton decided to do both.

Basically, on this one, you run in the Channel and it will hook up good to the EST snowboard bindings. This is the best interphase available for snowboarding. This has a way better snowboard feel, way better cushion and easier adjustability. For every reason, the snowboard binding on the snowboard is the best. It has Pro-Tip construction, nice meaty sidewall through the center into a really thin nose and tail. It is going to reduce the swing weight and make the snowboard’s torsionally a little more forgiving.

Instead of just doing the engineered grain direction, where they run the grain from the track to the edge, they added lightning bolts. These are little carbon rods that you can actually see when you view the snowboard from the side. They are just right out from the track directly to the edge. This will give it more reaction and more edge grip on an icy, hard pack terrain.

Base wise, we’re runin a sintered, very high end and holds wax really well. It will come from the factory very heavily waxed and will go for quite some time. This will only get faster through the life of the snowboard as you wax it more and more. The Infinite Ride is always built into the Customs. It will have the same flex when you first get it as it will even after five years down the road. So, it makes the snowboard last a really long time. This is really the jack of all trades for the snowboards we have. It will handle power, ice, park and will even handle Alaska. So you can do anything with this snowboard. You can ride directional or twinned out. It is just a super cool snowboard. I mentioned the B Rocker video, that I’m rocking that one. But either version and would recommend either one for anybody from intermediate to advanced skills to check it out. BurtonCustom snowboard.


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One Comment

  1. roni January 4, 2011 at 2:36 pm - Reply

    Hi there
    I’m little confused ,which kind of snowboard Appropriate for me ?
    My style is to snowboarding all the type of offpiste
    (deep snow ,powder,and sometimes to jump)
    My experience is 10 weeks snowboarding

    Thanks in advance

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