Embrasser un Homme Française

By Published On: July 15th, 20100 Comments

In 1789, France was run by King Louis XVI and the Estates-General was the governing body that represented the people. The people in this day were three groups; the Catholic Church, the nobility, and the commoners. July 14th of this fateful year would prove to be on of the most important in French history, because the common estate broke away on their own and eventually stormed the Bastille to free all the fatherless children from the King…or something. Today, the French celebrate the monumental occasion of Bastille Day with crepes and cigarettes every July 14th.

Also since 1789, the French have began playing sports besides tennis. They have taken to the streets and provided Fully Flared with The French Connection, as well as turning the heads of many a skiier in the French Alps upon their plaches du neige. So in honor of Bastille Day, The-House would like to bestow upon you citizens of the Common House of America, a little bit of French culture.

First off, Brooklyn’s Homage Skateshop is hosting their third annual Bastille Day Skate Jam on Sunday. In addition to checking out the Homage TF out back, you can join up with all the Brooklyn homies and skate out front. Three awards will be given for the three best tricks in addition to a good ol’ fashion high ollie contest. The action tackles the heat wave Sunday from noon to seven near 151 Smith Street.

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Also cognizant of the celebration, Frenchman Nico Droz released the trailer for their annual video project yesterday, titled Homies III. The teaser is looking solid and features a whole mess of up and coming talent from Quebec to the Alps and they travel the world….America included. Glad to see the French got over that whole thing where George W got flustered with their Laissez-Faire and ordered us to call our burger accompaniments Freedom Fries.

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