2011 Burton Mission Snowboard Binding Review

By Published On: January 6th, 20110 Comments

Burton Mission Snowboard Binding. These baby does it all. It’s a little bit stiffer. It has a response rating of a 5 and a lot of really cool features that will make you want to do anything you want. So if you’re the overall mountain rider that likes to cruise top to bottom and hit the gondola, this could be a binding for you. If you’re the kid that is advancing more quickly than your friends, this is the binding for you. If you’re the kid that is working on cab double 12s, that’s right, this could be the binding for you.

The base plate is made out of a single component: 30% short glass nylon composite. This frame is the same material that the high back’s made out of as well. It does have a canted system, which means that the left binding and the right binding are going to have a little bit of a different shape, as you see. Which helps you bend and flex over the top of your nose and tail a little bit easier. It also does have the Living Hinge forward lean adjustment system. With a little twist of a dial, you can change the forward lean on its hinge system. When I was a kid, you used to have to order Team Skybacks, and these things actually come with them right out of a box because we’re lucky nowadays. I used to have to wait weeks for these things.

Now, the straps are pretty interesting. These are called the super straps. You can change these things around if you’d like. They do have 3D moldable, curved, triple access spines, so they’re going to remember the shape. They’re not going to flop around a bunch when you’re out of your bindings, which is great. The toe straps are called the Primo straps. Burton uses pretty much all Primo straps on all of their bindings, except for some of the bindings. But for the most part, they use the Primo capstrap on all their bindings. They hold well and they lock your heel cup in your heel. That’s right. The buckles are flat, black, painted, aluminum straps or buckles with polycarbonate interiors. The liners work well. They’re very, very big. It’s easy to tighten the binding, and it’s easy to loosen your bindings as well. What’s greatest about these bindings, besides they look cool and respond well when you lean, is that they are sustainable. They’re just chosen to be a little bit eco-friendly, and they have used pre-ground materials in their base plates and in their high backs to reduce waste.

The gas pedals are great. You can adjust them out, and you can adjust them in. The Mission bindings also have a full bed cushioning system. Pretty much from your toes to your heels, you’re going to have some good cushioning. Cool colors way and a response rating of above a 5. This is Burton Mission


2011 Burton Mission Binding, one of the better selling bindings in the entire industry. It’s probably second only to the Burton Custom. It’s a nice, solid, light-weight binding overall. This is definitely going to be for your freestyle rider. It’s going to be looking to tear up the park. It’s a nice intermediate binding. You get all the nice high-end bells and whistles, all the while saving a little bit on the price tag there. What we’ve got here is Burton’s traditional, all poly-carbonate, hard plastic chastity coming in there. It’s a nice lightweight, hollowed out high-back that Burton’s known for. What the Missions have on there is the Skyback. It’s a slightly taller high-back on there for you guys. You’re going to get the easy glide ratchets on here for the Burton. It’s nice and smooth. You don’t have to worry about them catching or anything along those lines. Also, a nice thing that you’ll get on this is the gapless base here. It actually wraps its end to the base there, so you can still get out your hardware, but then just close it up and not have to worry about that. It’s the gapless feel going through there. On the heel strap, you’re going to have the super strap, which is one of the best-selling straps for which Burton is known. I’ve been doing this for probably 6 or 7 years using the same strap. It’s super comfortable. I’ve gotten to ride it on a few different models. I really enjoy it personally. Also, you’re going to get your regular toe strap on the front here. It’s going to get some grips on the inside too, so you don’t have to worry about it slipping. There’s a nice tried-and-true binding here. It’s one of the better sellers in the entire industry. That is the Burton mission. It comes in a couple different colors. This is the Matte Black that we have. We also have it in white and almost neon green. It’s almost a Gaelic green. A small fits a 6-8, a medium fits an 8-10, and a 10 and up is going to be a large binding. That is your Burton 2011 Mission Binding.

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