2011 Burton Custom Flying V Squeezebox Review

By Published On: February 6th, 20110 Comments

Burton Snowboards, Snowboard Bindings, Boots, Jackets, Pants, Hoodies, Fleece, Mitts, Gloves, Shirts, Polos, BackpacksThe Burton Custom Flying V Squeezebox is for the rider that wants to go from peak to the park and everywhere in between. This does have a feel rating of a 5 and it’s absolutely fantastic. It does have a directional shape, so the nose is going to be a little bit longer than the tail. The flex is going to be a twin.

What’s most interesting about this spring loaded v rocker is the squeeze box. It’s loaded with fun and it’s loaded with a lot of different core shapes and a lot of different materials. Now, the negative profile super fly 2 dual zone EDG core works well with the spring loaded squeezebox. The core is going to be a little bit thicker underneath the bindings, a little bit thinner in the middle, and thinner in the nose and the tail. The dual zone EDG super fly core runs laminate wood tip to tail and there is perpendicular wood on the rail; pretty high Tec stuff here. The fiber glass of course is a Triax fiber glass with carbon I beams that run from tip to tail. It does have lightning bolts which is energy-transferring strands that run from underneath the body to the tip of the tail. It does have a center wide open base. You’re going to want to maintain this thing. It’s going to stay fast all season long, but it’s good to keep it moisturized. The Burton Custom Flying V Squeezebox does have frost bite edges because of the flying v shape. Frost bite edges actually extend out a little bit from the board helping to grip on snow and it also the grip to rip edges everywhere else. The flying v shape is pretty interesting because it actually a reverse camber in the center, a reverse camber on the nose, and a reverse camber on the tail and underneath the bindings actually has camber. The sidewalls are the ten forty indestructible sidewalls that Burton has had them for a long time. They’re dual angle sidewalls that are pretty much bomb proof. It does have the pro tip, which means that Burton has reduced the amount of material in the nose and the tail causing less swing weight and less material. Also, it already is part of the infinite ride program as well. There’s a machine at Burton that does this all day long, so you don’t have to break in your snowboard. It’s great and comes in wide options. This is the Custom Flying V squeezebox.

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