2011 Burton Custom Flying V Snowboard Review

By Published On: January 2nd, 20110 Comments

Burton Snowboards, Snowboard Bindings, Boots, Jackets, Pants, Hoodies, Fleece, Mitts, Gloves, Shirts, Polos, BackpacksBurton Custom Flying V Snowboard. This is a spring-loaded snowboard. There is reverse cambering between the bindings. Reverse camber on the nose, reverse camber on the tail, but underneath the bindings there is actually a cambered shape with Frostbite Edges.

This is a directional shaped board that will take riders from the peak to the park. You can go anywhere with this. It does have a feel rating of about a five, that feels about right. It does have a flex that is twin and it also has a core that is a Super Fly II core with wood laminates that run tip to tail. And it has dual zone EDG. Burton has decided to change the direction of the wood on the edges perpendicular to the normal laminates and it also has a negative profile shape. Underneath the bindings the wood core is going to be a little bit thicker. In between the bindings and on the nose and on the tail the wood core is going to be a little bit thinner.

The fiberglass is a Triax fiberglass that runs in three different directions, at 45 degrees, negative 45 degrees, and at zero degrees. It also has Carbon I-beams that run tip to tail. And it also has Lightning Bolts, its energy transfer strands that run underneath the bindings that go to the nose and the tail that are interwoven with the fiberglass. It also has the Sintered Wide F’ing Open base, very porous, that’s going to stay fast all season long. You’ll just need to wax it a lot. The edges, like I said earlier, have a Frostbite Edge, which extend out underneath the bindings. Other than that they have the grip and rip classic edges. The sidewalls are of 1045 dual angle sidewall, these things are beefy. They’re going to be strong. Now for the extra features, they’re pretty rad. It has the Infinite Ride system. You won’t have to break this board in when you get onto the hill because Burton has a machine that has already done it for you and it also has the Pro-tip. Burton has reduced the amount of weight in the tip and in the tail causing it to be thinner and causing you to spin faster. It does come in wide options. This is the Burton Custom Flying V.

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