Garrett McKenzie


  Youth Snowboarding - Garrett McKenzie One of the first things you'll notice about Garrett Mckenzie is that he doesn't care what you think. He's never bogged down with peer [...]

Garrett McKenzie2021-09-29T19:40:53+00:00

Benny Milam


  Youth Snowboarding - Benny Milam Benny Milam will be the next kid blowing out of the Midwest leaving the rest of his peers in his wake. Benny and a [...]

Benny Milam2021-09-29T19:40:45+00:00

Surfboard Kick Flip?


We came across this little gem last night, a surf contest worth $10,000. Sadly, it might be hard for us land-locked Minnesotans  to win this one. It would be hard landing [...]

Surfboard Kick Flip?2021-10-12T15:32:33+00:00

US Open of Snowboarding


Flying down a hill hitting jumps, rails, or halfpipe and doing tricks has become quite popular over the years. Now, there is a contest every weekend, each claiming to be [...]

US Open of Snowboarding2021-10-12T15:32:33+00:00

Choosing the Right Base Layer Clothing


Long underwear has been a household name for decades. However, it's come a long way in terms of popularity, materials used, durability and performance. These day, long underwear is also [...]

Choosing the Right Base Layer Clothing2021-09-29T19:35:24+00:00

The Peddie Files


If you had to choose two people from the snowboard industry to be your guide through life, who would they be? Maybe a reknowned coach to help you learn new [...]

The Peddie Files2021-10-12T15:32:33+00:00