Lago Gets A Midnight Kiss


America’s halfpipe bronze medalist has left the Olympics. Snowboarding’s Scotty Lago is packing his bags and heading home after getting a little too friendly with a female fan. [...]

Lago Gets A Midnight Kiss2021-10-12T15:28:59+00:00

2010 Olympic Halfpipe


There’s this event going on today, north of the border, maybe you’ve heard something about it? Apparently Vancouver’s got this little grassroots halfpipe competition going on called the [...]

2010 Olympic Halfpipe2021-10-12T15:28:57+00:00

Hyperlite Wakeboards: Strata Mounting System


Wakeboarding has come a long way in the past few years. Closed toe boots with Boa, butter boards for rails and jibbing, carbon stringers for added pop and the list [...]

Hyperlite Wakeboards: Strata Mounting System2021-09-29T19:37:06+00:00

Gear Review: Electric EG2 Goggles


I ended up trying on the Electric EG2 goggles because they happened to be sitting in Paul’s office (The House photographer and fellow blogger) I had been looking for snow [...]

Gear Review: Electric EG2 Goggles2021-10-12T15:28:53+00:00