Categories: how to guides

How to Stand Up Paddle Board Video Guide

Getting on an SUP and learning how to stand up paddle board is easier than you think. In this video we will break down all the basic steps to get started stand up paddle boarding in no time. You can watch the video or read the text transcript below.

Hi, I’m Matt with Windy City Waterman and the Windward Boardshop. I’m a local stand up paddle racer and endurance paddler. And today we’re with Amanda, first time stand up paddle boarder, and we’re going to teach her all the basics of this amazing sport of stand up paddle.

Step 1: Carrying the Board

Now we’re going to show you how to carry the boards. To a lot of beginners they look big and bulky, but they’re not that heavy and they’re pretty easy to pick up. There are two basic ways to do it. You can lift it up and put it on your head and shoulders, or a lot of the newer boards have a convenient carrying handle and you can just grab it with that.

Step 2: Installing the Fin

The fin is secured to the board with this small metal tab and a set screw. You simply remove the metal tab, slide it into the fin track, and then move it forward to the desired position. Then you can insert your fin and tighten down the set screw.

Step 3: Attaching your Leash

Every board comes with a leash attachment point. So use the Velcro strap on the back of your leash to attach it to the board. Once you’ve attached the leash to the board, you want to wrap the other end around your ankle.

Step 4: Personal Flotation Devices/PFDs

Now we’re going to talk about PFDs or personal flotation devices. These are a really important piece of safety gear that you want to have, and they’re also the law in many places. You want to check the regulations in your area before you go paddle to make sure you’re in compliance. There are two basic types of PFDs you can choose from – an inflatable waist belt like I’m wearing here or a vest like Amanda’s wearing.

Step 5: Sizing Your Paddle

Now we’re going to talk about paddles. There are two basic types of paddles
– fixed length and adjustable length. To fit the paddle to the paddler when using an adjustable paddle, you simply open the latch, raise the handle, and to get the height right you want to have the paddler put their hand up, palm on the paddle with just a slight bend in the arm, and that’s going to be the correct height. Latch it in place and you’re ready to go.

Step 6: Basic Paddle Stroke

So now that we’ve got the paddle sizing down, we’re going to learn the basic paddle stroke. First thing you want to notice is that the paddle blade has some angle to it, and that angle is always going to be pointing toward the front of the board. And when you grab the handle of the paddle, you want to grab it with your bottom hand about halfway down and then your other hand just comfortably on the handle. And you’re always going to be paddling on the side that your lower hand is on.

Step 7: Setting Your Stance

  1. Start on your knees centered around the board handle
  2. Holiding your paddle across the board helps with balance
  3. Stand-Up 1 foot at a time when comfortable with your balance
  4. Keep Your weight balanced between your hands and body as you get up
  5. Grab the handle of the paddle then put the paddle blade in the water and begin your first paddle stroke

Now You’re Ready to Paddle!

the windward staff

In the snow . skate . surf-sup scene since 1982. We specialize in everything snowboarding, skateboarding, longboarding, stand up paddle and swimwear. Contact us at 888 . 706 . 0090 for expert advice or tips on Thai food.

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