Head on over to windward on November 12 between 6-9pm to checkout our new winter 2012 gear, celebrate one-year of windward re-invented, and support a local chicago skater’s new book. As always, we will have free food, drinks and giveaways! Don’t make the big snowman a big and ANGRY snowman, bring your friends!

Also, bring in your board for a one day only deal on full hot wax and edge sharpening tune ups for only $25! Winter is just around the corner so get that ole’ stick in shape to get out and conquer the mountain on opening day.

Raffle donations help raise money for our good friend and local rider, Amos Soma Fuller, to publish his new book, “Tough Like You”. The book will be a guide for all action sports riders, filled with tips and stories on how to keep your body in shape and dominate your sport.

I hear the Big Snowman is the main supplier for Santa’s coal delivery service…so you better be a good boy or girl and come out to Windward Boardshop on November 12.


Friday, November 12 6-9pm


windward boardshop

official flyer
