Thanks to everyone that came out for the CSB 2013! Here are some pics, official winner’s circle listings and some video action of the day.
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The 3rd annual Clark Street Bomb is coming up again and plans to be bigger than ever. The push will take place on Sunday, July 14 and launch from Clark and Leland. Racers will bomb south down Clark street 7.2 miles to Polk and Clark. Same route as the 2012 Bomb. Prizes will be awarded at the finish line.
Here are some super secret, useful, and or fun facts about the race!
1. Everyone values your cognitive skills and pretty face – HELMETS ARE REQUIRED TO REGISTER. Only registered racers are eligible for the winner’s circle.
2. This race is free!
3. Whining gets you no where. Skitching also is a no-no. Outlaw rules otherwise.
4. Registration starts at 10:30 am at Clark and Leland.
5. The finish line will be at Polk and Clark.
6. The first CSB had less than 20 people – including volunteers. Its been fantastic to see how quickly this event has taken off!
7. This is the final year Clark Street Bomb will be on Clark Street! 2014 will be a new year, with a new moniker & new course!!!
Windward is part of the support helping out with some really sweet prizes for the racers from top brands like Loaded, Sector-9, Never Summer, Arbor and more. You know how Windward does, so get your a$$ out to Clark and Leland and push son!
Sunday, July 14th – 10:30am
Starts at 10:30am from Clark and Leland then runs south down Clark Street to Polk.